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Home / Dinghy / Race and Dinghy Duties / RIB / Jaffa Helm Requirements
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Home / Dinghy / Race and Dinghy Duties / RIB / Jaffa Helm Requirements

RIB / Jaffa Helm Requirements

This defines the TISC policy for members helming a TISC RIB or Rigiflex in support of our sailing activities. It is vitally important that that all those undertaking RIB / Rigiflex helming duties, should understand that personnel safety is the primary aim of our club, in line with RYA objectives.

The RYA progression for helming a RIB / Rigiflex in support of on-water activities are:

  1. PB2 basic RIB handling / personnel recovery from water
  2. 1st Aid the basics that you will need for assisting those in distress, aimed at on-water issues
  3. VHF Operator once qualified will give you the necessary qualification for VHF transmissions
  4. SBO Safety Boat Operator in-depth hands on recovery of capsized craft, towing, wind surfer recovery, distressed boat crew support (PB2 is a pre-requisite for this qualification)

It is the long-term aim of TISC to increase the skills and experience of our RIB helms and to encourage individuals to progress from PB2 to SBO

Skill Levels that are authorised to helm a TISC RIB / Rigiflex:

An 'Experienced' Helm:

Where someone has been helming a RIB in support of races over a period of time and judged to be of sufficient experience to carry-out this task by the RCD, then these helms details will be held by the RCD. It is the aim of the club that the individuals in this category should take advantage of the club sponsorship, to progress to SBO

Race Patrol / PB2:

New qualified PB2 operators may helm provided they have previously crewed with an experienced helm and to have driven for a substantial period during the race. Experienced RIB Helms must ensure that newly qualified PB2 crews are given the opportunity to carry-out this training as appropriate.

Click this link for information about RYA Powerboat Courses

VHF Radio:

Those who do not hold a VHF operator's certificate it is imperative that the RIB patrol crews understand the fundamentals of VHF protocol.


Those who have reached a SBO standard are in a position to work with PB2 operators to increase their experience and usefulness. You are encouraged to do this and look for opportunities to increase your experience.

You can read more about RYA Calling all Safety Boat Drivers


Ensure that when you prepare yourself for the trip that you take a VHF radio, the white tub applicable to the boat concerned and a first aid grab bag.

In-Water Support:

It should be recognised that, for example, in the case of a dinghy inversion it may be necessary for either the crew or the helm to enter the water. It is therefore imperative that the nominated person be wearing effective protective clothing to ensure they can help and do not end up finding themselves in difficulties. Thus a dry-suit or an effective wet-suit are to be worn (dependent upon air / sea temperatures). The other person in the boat should also wear suitable clothing for warmth bearing in mind that sitting in a boat can be vary cold.

Personal Safety:

Helm and crew MUST wear personal buoyancy.

Helm MUST use the appropriate Kill Cord at all times.

The following RYA publications are applicable for the above:

PB2: RYA Power Boat eBook

VHF: RYA VHF Radio (inc. GMDSS) (eBook)

SBO: RYA Safety Boat Books

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