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Home / Dinghy / Race and Dinghy Duties
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Home / Dinghy / Race and Dinghy Duties

We rely on our members to volunteer to help out with Race Support, Club Maintenance, Duty Member as well as other duties that aid the running of the club and events.

Each member is expected to carry out at least one working duty each year. Performing Duties should be seen as a great way to interact with other members of the Club.

The main Duties are summarised below:


Dinghy Race Duties

Roles: Race Officer, RIB Helm, RIB Crew

Dinghy Racing is one of the main activities of the Sailing Club, so it is vital that all members support this activity and volunteer for Duties. Further details of the three roles can be found by clicking on them above. Before signing up for race and

Dinghy duties please check information under Dinghy/Rib regarding qualifications and/or experience necessary for the duties.


On The Water

Roles: Dinghy & Assistant Instructors, RIB Helm, RIB Crew

These are drop in, fun, supported sailing sessions for all ages! Duties for On The Waters include Instuction, and Safety Boat Cover.


Working Days

Roles: Working Duty Volunteer

These are days for club maintenance jobs specified by houseman. There is no need to contact the houseman directly to book a working day. Just sign up for one of the working days listed below (when available). You must sign up in advance and please just turn up on the day. Jobs will be allocated by the person in charge of the working party on the day.


Duty Member

Roles: Duty Member Volunteer

The Duty Member (DM) is the representative of the Commodore and is to ensure that the Club rules are strictly followed at all times. The Duty Member will be present at the club for the duration of the duty visiting the Dinghy Park and performing other activities as defined.


Grass Cutting

Roles: Working Duty Volunteer

There are 2 duties for Grass Cutting, one for the Clubhouse Lawn, and the Other for The Dinghy Park, this duty is not bookable online.

Members undertake Working Duties on a voluntary basis and before undertaking any duty, you must read the Safety Notices on the Notice Board in the Club.

You will also need to SIGN the list on the notice-board AND add your membership number (which is unique to you). If you cannot remember your membership number, you will find it on your membership card.

If you do not understand a notice for your particular duty, please ask the person in charge of the working party or, if you are undertaking a duty on your own, please telephone the Houseman or other Committee member to ask for clarification. (Telephone numbers of Committee members are on the notice board on the left of the entrance to the Club).

You must read the notices on the main Safety Notice Board and take note of the safety measures to be taken for the duty you intend to undertake. Protective equipment must always be used for duties where this is specified.

You must read the instructions set out for each duty and comply with instructions regarding use of the specified equipment for that job. If you are undertaking a duty when no other member is present, you must make sure you have immediate access to a mobile phone in case of emergency.

Any Issues or questions regarding duties please contact

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